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Deducting Your Gambling Income & Losses

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We all know the thrill of winning from gambling whether you’re an avid gambler or the occasional one. But did you know that all winnings are fully taxable? No matter how small your gambling winnings, they must be reported on your tax return. Gambling income includes- but not limited to- winnings from lotteries, keno, slot machines, table games (i.e. poker, craps, roulette, blackjack, etc.), racing or sports betting, and bingo.

Are gambling losses deductible?

Yes, and here’s where the deductions on your gambling losses come in – you may be entitled to a deduction if you had any gambling losses come tax filing season, but only up to the extent of your winnings for the year. For example, if you won $3,000 from gambling for 2016, the most you can deduct on your 2016 tax return is $3,000, no matter how much you lost. Gambling losses must be reported on Schedule A as an Itemized Deduction, which are separate from winnings. Continue reading for important facts about claiming your gambling losses on your tax return.

Five important facts about deducting gambling income and losses:

  1. You must report the full amount or your winnings as income and claim your losses (up to the amount of your winnings) as an itemized deduction.
  2. You cannot reduce your gambling winnings by your gambling losses and then report the difference.
  3. Claim your gambling losses on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions, under ‘Other Miscellaneous Deductions’.
  4. The IRS recommends that you keep written documentation, like a notebook or a diary, for proof in case of an audit and to keep winnings and losses separate and organized. According to the IRS Publication 529 Miscellaneous Deductions, your notebook should contain at least the following:
    • The date and type of your specific wager or wagering activity.
    • The name and address or location of the gambling establishment.
    • The names of other persons present with you at the gambling establishment.
    • The amount(s) you won or lost.
  5. According to the IRS, you should also have other documentation for additional proof through the following:

Form W-2G (if given), certain winnings; Form 5754, statement by person(s) receiving gambling winnings; wagering tickets; canceled checks; substitute checks; credit records; bank withdrawals; and statements of actual winnings or payment slips provided to you by the gambling establishment. Learn more about how gambling impacts your taxes with Optima Tax Relief. To keep up to date with gambling winnings tax laws and your responsibilities as a taxpayer, please refer to the IRS Help & Resource page or consult your local CPA or tax attorney.

Is there a Deduction Limit on Charitable Donations?

Optima Tax Relief provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess your tax situation and determine if you qualify for tax relief, contact us for a free consultation.

filing deductions

If you’re debating whether or not to donate to charity, it’s important to understand the tax benefits and tax-saving opportunities that could be available to you. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know when understanding what you could qualify for when it comes to charitable donations.

Some donations may not be eligible for deductions. In order to make a donation, it must be to a charity with a tax-exempt status determined by the IRS. This means that charitable donations cannot be made to friends, relatives, or groups that do not fall under the tax exempt status. The list of approved organizations are the following:

  1. A community chest, corporation, trust, fund, or foundation, organized or created in the United States or its possessions, or under the laws of the United States, any state, the District of Columbia or any possession of the United States, and organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
  2. A church, synagogue, or other religious organization.
  3. A war veterans’ organization or its post, auxiliary, trust, or foundation organized in the United States or its possessions.
  4. A nonprofit volunteer fire company.
  5. A civil defense organization created under federal, state, or local law (this includes unreimbursed expenses of civil defense volunteers that are directly connected with and solely attributable to their volunteer services).
  6. A domestic fraternal society, operating under the lodge system, but only if the contribution is to be used exclusively for charitable purposes.
  7. A nonprofit cemetery company if the funds are irrevocably dedicated to the perpetual care of the cemetery as a whole and not a particular lot or mausoleum crypt.

Some contributions may lead to only a partial credit. For particular donations, a taxpayer will only receive a portion of a credit. For example, if you purchase a shirt that is a part of a charitable cause, the entire price of the shirt is not deductible. The fair market value must be determined and subtracted from the cost of your purchase in order to determine the amount of your donation.

When determining how much of a charitable donation you would like to make, it is important to know there is a limit on all donations you make throughout the tax year. Total charitable contributions are generally limited to no more than 50% of your adjusted gross income. 

If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

What Does Voluntary Compliance Mean in Regard to Taxes?

What Does Voluntary Compliance Mean in Regard to Taxes?

The United States federal income tax system is operated under a system of voluntary compliance. This innocuous sounding term actually packs quite a potent punch –  there is little that is voluntary about the federal tax system, at least where paying taxes is concerned. Many celebrities and ordinary citizens alike have learned this lesson the hard way, almost always at great financial cost.

Voluntary Compliance and Audits

The “voluntary” nature of taxation relates to the method of submitting and paying income tax obligations. The Treasury department places the burden of figuring, reporting and paying income taxes in the hands of its citizens, rather than automatically collecting the revenue. In contrast, sales taxes and other use taxes are involuntary. Whenever you buy an item or service that carries sales tax, you not only pay the price of the merchandise or service, but the tax as well.

Although the IRS collects taxes under a voluntary compliance system, the assumption is that most of the population will fail to pay its full tax burden, either by mistake or by deliberate attempts at tax evasion. To remedy the resulting shortfall, the IRS has instituted a system of tax audits. A majority of audits are triggered by suspicious items included or omitted from tax returns. Other tax audits are generated because taxpayers who should file tax returns fail to do so or file so-called frivolous returns. An unfortunate minority of taxpayers are flagged for audits by random selection – just plain bad luck.

Celebrity Tax Evasion & Frivolous Tax Returns

Throughout history, famous and infamous figures have been caught in the net of failure to comply with the “voluntary” system. Notorious gangster Al Capone died in prison as a result of a conviction of income tax evasion. More recently, celebrities like Martha Stewart, Wesley Snipes and Marc Anthony have been snared by convictions for federal income tax evasion. One persistent but thoroughly discredited strain of tax protest arguments claim that federal income taxes are unconstitutional, or that taxpayers can eliminate their federal income obligations by filing “zero” tax returns. Snipes was one of the more famous figures taken in by this line of reasoning, and as a result was convicted of misdemeanor tax evasion in 2008 and sentenced to 3 years in prison. As of 2014, the movie star was back on the silver screen, headlining in the action feature Expendables 3. Presumably, Snipes will pay a rightful proportion of his earnings from the film, marketed as a summer blockbuster, to the IRS. The IRS exercises little patience with taxpayers filing what it concludes to be frivolous returns. It imposes an array of civil penalties, listed below:

  • Accuracy-related penalty under section 6662 (20 percent of the underpayment attributable to negligence or disregard of rules or regulations)
  • Civil fraud penalty under section 6663 (seventy-five percent of the underpayment attributable to fraud)
  • Erroneous claim for refund penalty under section 6676 (twenty percent of the excessive amount)
  • Fraudulent failure to timely file income tax return (triple the amount of the standard failure to file addition to tax under section 6651(a)(1))
  • Frivolous submissions other than tax returns under the Tax Relief Health Care Law of 2006 ($5,000 penalty)

Is Tax Evasion a Felony?

Criminal penalties for tax evasion based on frivolous tax returns can be severe. Both fines and jail time may be imposed upon conviction. Specific penalties are listed below.

  • Felony for attempting to evade or defeat tax under Section 7201 provides as a penalty a fine of up to $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation) and imprisonment for up to 5 years with optional additional fine up to $250,000
  • Felony for willfully making and signing under penalties of perjury any return, statement, or other document that the person does not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter under section 7206 is a fine of up to $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation) and imprisonment for up to 3 years with optional additional fine up to $250,000
  • Felony for promoting frivolous arguments and assisting taxpayers in claiming tax benefits based on frivolous arguments under section 7206(2) may be fined up to $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation) and imprisonment for up to 3 years with optional additional fine up to $250,000

How Do Corporations Avoid Paying Taxes?

Individual taxpayers are far from alone in their attempts to minimize their tax burdens. Complex accounting maneuvers with names like the Double Irish or Dutch Sandwich allow major corporations like Apple and Google to evade the 35 percent US corporate tax. But unlike tax evasion or frivolous tax returns, corporate tax dodges are largely perfectly legal – for now. Governments around the world have begun to put measures in place designed to curb offshore tax havens and other corporate tax evasion strategies.

Fair Tax System

The voluntary compliance system is far from the only viable system of income taxation. The so-called fair tax system is based on imposing use taxes – the more goods and services a person uses, the more taxes he or she pays. But fair use systems often impose a heavier burden on low-income taxpayers because they pay a higher proportion of their income use taxes. For this reason, fair use taxes are often labeled as regressive — and aggressively unfair.

Simple Tax System

Supporters of a so-called simple tax system include tax expert Austan Goolsbee and policy wonk Ezra Klein. Under a simple tax system the IRS would calculate taxes, credits and deductions and provide taxpayers with a copy of the completed return. Taxpayers who agree with the IRS’s calculations could simply accept the return, while taxpayers who disagree could file their own returns.

The simple tax system has obvious advantages. The IRS has a good idea of what many taxpayers earn and owe anyway, thanks to Form W-2 and various versions of Form 1099. The simple tax system would also ensure nearly 100 percent compliance, since the IRS would be supplying tax returns rather than individual citizens.

As one might expect, the tax preparation industry (including TurboTax) largely disfavors the simple tax return system. Approximately 60 percent of all Americans contract with outside tax preparers to file their federal and state income tax returns. Implementing something like the simple tax system would cut deeply into that percentage.

While the simple tax return system is indeed simple, there are potential pitfalls. First, many taxpayers may accept the IRS’s version of their returns whether it is accurate or not from inertia, laziness or fear of reprisal. Second, even if the IRS and its agents were totally diligent in calculating the maximum credits and deductions, human error must still be considered.

Death and Taxes

Given the present financial and political climate, it is unlikely that the voluntary compliance tax system will change in the foreseeable future. It’s also a safe bet that attempts to evade taxes will continue, including extreme cases such as Facebook co-founder Eduardo Savarin, who renounced his American citizenship in 2012 shortly before the social media giant launched its IPO. In the face of such tax evasion attempts, the IRS will also undoubtedly continue its enforcement strategies, including the dreaded audit.

Considering a tax consultation? Optima Tax Relief offers a range of services discussed in our free consultation. Our award winning staff of tax professionals provide comprehensive tax relief services to help you resolve any tax issue. Speak to us today.

What is the Difference Between Form 1099-Misc and 1099-K?

Optima Tax Relief provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess your tax situation and determine if you qualify for tax relief, contact us for a free consultation.

1040 and W2 tax forms

Being self-employed comes with a lot of benefits like being your own boss and making your own hours. Although there are a lot of perks to being self-employed, there are also a lot of additional responsibilities you will have to take on that most W-2 employees don’t have to deal with. For instance, you are responsible for keeping track of all your expenses you incur throughout the tax year, tracking your mileage and maintenance associated with your work vehicle, and ensuring that you are making estimated tax payments throughout the year to avoid owing when filing your taxes.

If you are self-employed or have worked on a contract basis where no taxes were withheld from your pay, it is extremely important to understand the difference between a 1099-MISC versus a 1099-K when filing your taxes.


This form is issued to independent contractors or those that are self-employed who have been paid $600 or more. If you were paid under $600, this may not trigger a 1099-MISC to be generated, however, you are still responsible for reporting all tax income that you have received throughout the tax year. It is also required to report all self-employment income if your net earnings are $400 or more. 

When a taxpayer receives their 1099-MISC form, they can also claim deductions against their income that should be listed on their schedule C. Adding any work expenses as deductions can help reduce a possible balance you may owe at the end of the tax year.


A 1099-K, also known as a Payment Card or Third Party Network Transactions, is used by credit card companies and third-party processors like Paypal and Amazon to report payment transactions they process for retailers or other third parties. You’ll typically receive a 1099-K if you have accepted credit cards or third-party processors and also had more than $20,000 in sales as well as over 200 individual transactions through a third-party processor.

If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

Do You Need a Tax Relief Lawyer?

The IRS is always prepared, shouldn’t you be as well? Do you need a tax relief lawyer?

Yes, absolutely.

This is a blog for a tax relief company with a small army of tax lawyers, so that’s what we’re paid to say, right? Well, yes, but it doesn’t make it any less true.

Benefits of Using a Tax Relief Lawyer: True Stories

A tax relief lawyer is a wise decision. In January, 2014, Forbes reported that Beanie Beans founder Ty Werner was convicted of evading $5.5 million dollars in taxes owed on the $27 million in interest accrued from millions of dollars stashed away in a Swiss bank account. The sentence? Two years on probation and some hefty fines, which were small change for a billionaire like Werner.

Unrelated, and a couple of months earlier, Daniel Thody, a defense contractor was found guilty to five counts of tax evasion for failing to report $15,000 and $50,000 in taxes from $1.8 million earned as a contractor for the Department of Defense. He faces up to 25 years in prison, 5 years for each count.

Which one do you think hired a tax relief lawyer and which one thought representing himself would be the smarter option? The old adage that he who represents himself has a fool for a client may be a cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true either.

We’ve already shared the 10 benefits of working with a tax relief firm, but here are a few good reasons you should lawyer up when dealing with the IRS.

What Can a Tax Attorney Do For You?

A tax attorney will ensure that you are treated better. It’s unfair, even illegal, but it’s also human nature. IRS agents are flesh and blood and if they can get away with bullying someone into their interpretation of the law, they probably will. A tax lawyer can ensure the IRS is playing by the rules and treating you fairly. IRS investigators are much more careful about asking inappropriate questions or wasting your time with unnecessary requirements if they know they are dealing with a tax attorney.

That was the finding of an investigation into nine groups in Ohio and Kentucky that sought nonprofit status. Organizations that didn’t have legal representation were more likely to have their applications stalled and receive inappropriate or unnecessary questions from the IRS.

You don’t have to worry about an IRS agent getting upset with you for hiring a tax relief lawyer either. The good ones prefer dealing with tax professionals because they don’t have to waste their time and patience explaining to you the ABCs of a tax audit or the basic IRS guidelines for a criminal investigation. In fact, hiring an experienced tax relief lawyer is generally seen as a sign of good faith to resolve your tax issues.

A few bad eggs may resent you hiring a lawyer and try to dissuade from doing so, but that’s when you really need a lawyer in your corner. The IRS’s own Declaration of Taxpayer Rights clearly states that “If you are in an interview and ask to consult such a person [a lawyer, agent or accountant], then we must stop and reschedule the interview in most cases.” Be suspicious if an IRS agent prefers not to deal with a tax professional.

Can the IRS See My Foreign Bank Account?

The IRS is a behemoth of an agency, one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. From 2008 through to 2014, over 50 bankers from Switzerland, India, Israel and other countries have been indicted for helping rich Americans squirrel billions of dollars into offshore accounts.

In 2013, the IRS also cracked the code of silence of Swiss financial institutions and got UBS, the largest Swiss Bank, to divulge confidential information on American tax evaders, and pay a $780 million penalty.

Even the IRS Thinks You Need a Tax Lawyer

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS which has the job of ensuring that you are treated fairly and helping you resolve problems with the IRS. Although it’s unlikely a Taxpayer Advocate Service lawyer will protect your interests quite as aggressively as a regular tax attorney, they are better than nothing, if you can’t afford to pay one.

If money is an issue, there is another option: Low Income Taxpayer Clinics. Although these clinics are partially funded by the IRS, they are completely independent and are operated by nonprofit organizations and academic institutions.

Only a Tax Attorney Can Represent You in a Criminal Investigation

Certified Public Accountants are great. When it comes to tax planning, business budgeting and asset management, a CPA is – all things being equal – more useful than a tax attorney is. But when you have a dispute with the IRS, especially if you’re accused of tax fraud or tax evasion, a tax relief lawyer is the only intelligent choice. Tax attorneys are the only ones who can represent you in a court of law and provide you the legal advice and analysis you need.

If that is not reason enough, I have two and a half words for you: attorney-client privilege. Unlike CPAs and accountants, attorneys cannot be subpoenaed to testify against a client in a criminal procedure.

Is it Worth it to Hire a Tax Attorney?

Does this mean you need a tax lawyer every time you get a letter from the IRS? No, of course not. You can probably deal with small mistakes and omissions by yourself or by giving your tax preparer a quick call. However, if there is any chance your case could go sour, you need to call a qualified and experienced tax attorney, and pronto. A good rule of thumb is that if you’re asking yourself whether it’s serious enough to merit calling a lawyer, it probably is.

A quick consultation call with a tax lawyer can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary legal fees you could have avoided by not procrastinating. Tax lawyers know how IRS attorney think, many tax attorneys worked as IRS attorneys before hanging their own shingle. So, they know what to say, what not to say, and what buttons to push when negotiating your case.

Hiring a lawyer sends the IRS a clear and powerful message. You’re taking the investigation seriously; you’re not going to let IRS agents push you around; and you want to work with the IRS to avoid criminal charges.

The bottom line is that the IRS is scary enough when you have a first-rate lawyer at your side. So hire one already. Need to hire a tax relief lawyer? Our tax professionals at Optima Tax Relief are here to help.

Is the IRS Really Calling Me?

Optima Tax Relief provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess your tax situation and determine if you qualify for tax relief, contact us for a free consultation.

using a credit card
  • Taxpayers can expect to see an increase in identity and tax theft during tax season. 
  • Scammers most commonly reach out to taxpayers by calling them or leaving an automated message.
  • The IRS will never leave threatening voicemails about your tax account and will typically send notices via ground mail to notify you of any discrepancies they may have found. 

During tax season, tax filers can expect to see an increase in fraudulent activity from scammers looking to make money quick. As a taxpayer, you must be vigilant of any criminal activity that may be occurring and always be sure to protect your sensitive information.

The IRS will never email, call, or reach out to you via social media although, quite a few people have reported receiving supposed messages from someone claiming to be from the IRS via one of the platforms mentioned above every year. 

The most common way a scammer will attempt to reach out to a taxpayer is by phone call. Most people who see that an unknown caller is calling them will ignore the call and go about their daily routine only to check their phone later and see that they have received an automated message that is supposedly coming from the IRS. 

These messages will typically tell you that they’re from the IRS and that they’re calling you regarding a time sensitive and urgent matter regarding a large sum of money you owe. These messages may even sometimes claim that you will get sued or arrested if you don’t respond immediately.

Some people may even encounter speaking to someone that is impersonating an IRS agent. These scammers will threaten to take action against you if you do not send them the tax balance you supposedly owe right away and sometimes will ask that the payment be made using random forms of payments such as placing the money on gift cards. The impersonator may even ask for personal information like your social security number or banking information over the phone. 

The IRS will never leave you threatening voicemails about any possible tax balance or fraud regarding your account and will never ask for you to provide personal information or payments over the phone.  If the IRS is attempting to get in contact with you, they will send you a notice via ground mail letting you know if there are any discrepancies on your tax return and will allow you time to respond accordingly. 

Taxpayers should never return a phone call that they receive from someone claiming to be from the IRS and should instead contact the IRS directly to address any concerns they may have. Individuals can reach out to the IRS directly at 800-829-1040 and business owners can call them at 800-829-4933.

It is important to reiterate that the IRS will never discuss your personal tax issues through unsolicited emails, texts, or social media. Always be cautious of any phone calls you receive from someone claiming to be from the IRS who tells you that you owe money.

If you receive an unexpected and suspicious email from the IRS, forward it to

If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

You Received an IRS Notice, Now What?

Optima Tax Relief provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess your tax situation and determine if you qualify for tax relief, contact us for a free consultation.

stressed out male
  • The IRS will send a notice regarding the debt as well as the penalties and interest that have also accrued in addition to your balance.
  • Failing to provide all relevant information on your tax return could result in you receiving a certified letter from the IRS notifying you that information was missing.  

For those that have already filed their taxes, they may think that tax season no longer affects them but that may not necessarily be true. Some taxpayers may receive a certified letter in the mail from the IRS after filing their tax return notifying them of a balance due or that some information was missing on their tax return. If you’ve received a notice from the IRS, don’t panic, there are options available to you that the IRS offers.

You owe a tax balance.

If you’ve already filed your taxes and owed a tax balance that you have yet to pay off, the IRS will send a notice regarding the debt as well as the penalties and interest that have accrued in addition to your balance. For those taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax liability in full, the IRS offers installment payments that can be made over a period of time in order to satisfy your debt. The IRS will typically present you with a payment plan based on the income that was provided on your tax return. If your income has changed or you are unable to afford the payment plan that was presented to you, it is recommended that you consult with a tax professional to see what additional options you may have. 

Information is missing on your tax return. 

Failing to provide all relevant information on your tax return could result in you receiving a certified letter from the IRS notifying you that information was missing and they need further assistance from you in order to process your return. Typically this letter is sent to taxpayers who have failed to provide all forms of income on their return and will need to submit additional proof to avoid the IRS looking further into the situation. 

Identity theft has caused your tax return to be rejected.

The IRS will notify a taxpayer if they believe that there may be fraudulent activity occurring on their tax return. The IRS will send a letter to you inquiring about a suspicious tax return that you may have not filed. The IRS will request that you do not e-file your return because of the duplicate social security number that was used. Act quickly should you receive this letter from the IRS to avoid further fraudulent activity with your personal information. 

If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

What does it mean to get audited?

What does it mean to get audited?

Back in the day, the word “audit” conjured up widespread fear and loathing. With an astonishing 5.6 percent of all Americans receiving that dreaded audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service in 1963, nearly everyone knew someone who had been subjected to a tax audit. The number of IRS audits has declined sharply since then, with a 23 percent decline in the past twenty years. Nonetheless, the IRS has not completely pulled the plug on audits, although budget cuts has precipitated a shift from all-encompassing in-person audits in favor of less cumbersome, less costly audits that focus on specific tax issues.

Five Reasons for an IRS Audit

So, why would a person or business get audited? Here are some of the reasons you may be audited by the IRS.

  1. Failing to report income
  2. Claiming too much in charitable donations
  3. Claiming too many business expenses
  4. Claiming a loss for a “hobby” activity
  5. Making errors on your return

Tax Return Errors

The vast majority of audits are related to items on tax returns that trigger red flags, such as math errors, inconsistencies between W-2 and 1099 forms.

Unusual Increases or Decreases in Income

Another common red flag is a return that shows a reported income or income far out of line with earnings from previous years.

Associated Transactions

You may also be audited if your tax return reflects transactions with another taxpayer who is being audited.

Above Average Withholding

Automatic red flags such as above average withholding for your income level may also trigger an audit.

Random Audits

A certain number of audits are the result of plain bad luck – returns chosen at random.

How Do You Know If the IRS Is Auditing You? The letter informing you that you are being audited should include a notice number in the right-hand corner. This notice number will indicate the reason for the audit. You should use this notice as a guide to determine which records you should gather. Scams are unfortunately common, so it’s important to understand the process. Learn more about the audit notification process in our blog: How to Know If The IRS Is Auditing You.

The Types of Audits

The audit notification letter you receive should also indicate what type of IRS audit you have been selected for. Depending on the type of audit you are facing, your tax matters could be settled in a matter of days or linger for months. For more involved audits, obtaining the services of a tax professional is highly advisable. Consider the following types of audits to better understand what it means to get audited.

Correspondence Audit

A correspondence audit is conducted by mail. Correspondence audits usually involve tax matters that are relatively easy to resolve. In most instances the IRS is seeking copies of checks, receipts and other documentation to support deductions or credits that you have claimed, or to clarify other items on your tax return.

Office Audit

An office audit is conducted in person at your local IRS office. You should be prepared to report to the office with copies of the requested documentation. You may also have a legal representative or your tax preparer present during the audit.

Field Audit

Like an office audit, a field audit is also conducted in person. Unlike an office audit, a field audit is conducted in your place of business. You should be prepared to present copies of your documentation at the audit, and your legal representative or tax professional should also be present. You are not obliged to allow IRS personnel into your home unless the agency has obtained a court order. If you claim the home office deduction, agents may request to enter your home; if you refuse the request, your deduction will almost certainly be disallowed.

Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program Audit

The IRS uses Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP) audits to update the data it uses to write it computer scoring program. This is the most extensive type of audit, which examines every aspect of your tax return. If you receive notice of a TCMP audit, you should be prepared to present exhaustive documentation, including birth and marriage certificates.

Can You Go to Jail for an IRS Audit?

While an audit may require significant effort on your part to gather the documentation required, it should not inspire panic. The unofficial threshold set by the IRS for tax fraud is at least $70,000 in unlawfully uncollected taxes and at least three years of fraudulent conduct. Therefore, while the odds are stacked against you in terms of escaping without additional tax obligations, it is extremely unlikely that as an honest taxpayer, you will face criminal charges or jail time as a result of an audit.

Learn more about tax fraud and how it happens with Optima Tax Relief. If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

How to Avoid Tax Fraud During Tax Season

man working late at night

Optima Tax Relief provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess your tax situation and determine if you qualify for tax relief, contact us for a free consultation.

  • Tax Season leaves many taxpayers vulnerable to identity theft and scammers.
  • Scammers can pose as tax preparers and steal your personal information. 
  • Protect your social security and bank information to ensure it does not end up in the wrong hands. 
  • Ask your tax preparer how you can avoid your personal information getting leaked if there is a data breach. 

Most people don’t realize how vulnerable they are to fraud during tax season.  The scary truth is that during this time of year, many identities are stolen and fraudulent tax returns are unwittingly filed on behalf of a taxpayer. In order to protect yourself, it is vital to exercise caution and provide only the documents and information that are absolutely necessary. Below are a few scams to be aware of during tax time to help avoid becoming a fraudster’s next victim.

Phone and Email Scams

The most obvious way to protect yourself against scammers is to never give out your personal information to someone you don’t know, especially over the phone. If someone from the “IRS” is attempting to contact you over the phone or by email and asks for your social security or card information, don’t give it to them. The IRS almost never contacts via phone, instead preferring to send notices via mail.  Even if you do receive a call from the IRS, they won’t ask for your social security number – they already have that information.  If you feel uncomfortable about the validity of a call, hang up and call the IRS yourself – that way you know if what they’re telling you is true.

Accountant fraud

Be wary of scammers who will pose as a tax preparer and then rip off customers through refund fraud or identity theft. These phony accountants will tell you that they can get you a large tax refund and typically prey on low-income and non-English speaking taxpayers. 

Even if you go to a legitimate tax preparer, your information can still be exposed if there is a data breach. To avoid this happening – and being left vulnerable – ask your tax preparer what more you can do to protect your information in case of a breach.

Identity theft

Make sure to protect your social security number at all costs. Identity thieves will attempt to steal this information in order to steal not only your identity but your tax refund too. As long as you notify the IRS that your information has been compromised and your refund has been stolen, the IRS will work with you to provide your refund. However, it will take extensive time and paperwork to prove that your information was stolen.

Medical Identity Theft

Financial fraud such as a stolen credit card can be frustrating but can be quickly resolved since it’s easier to detect, and often doesn’t have significant long-term financial impacts. Medical identity fraud, on the other hand, can cost a victim $13,500 on average and be notoriously difficult to resolve. Because of advancements in electronic communication and collaboration in the healthcare industry, personal health information (PHI) is more exposed and accessible. At the same time, this doesn’t always mean that your health provider is on the same page with your insurer. PHI is rarely tracked across multiple networks and this gap can make stealing and using it feasible.

In conclusion…

Tax Season is now upon us, and it’s important to protect your personal information and ensure that it can’t be compromised. Always be wary of phone calls or emails that you receive claiming to be from the IRS, especially when they’re asking for your bank information or social security number. Also, do your research when looking for a tax preparer to file your taxes for you, and make sure they have their license, as well as positive reviews from previous clients. Lastly, make sure to monitor your social security number to ensure that your data has not been breached and your identity hasn’t been stolen. 

If you need tax help, contact us for a free consultation.

Would You Cheat on Your Taxes?

Would You Cheat on Your Taxes?

Would you cheat on your taxes? If you said “no,” count yourself in the majority of people who wouldn’t commit tax fraud.

According to the Taxpayer Attitude Survey, about 87% of American Taxpayers say that it is not acceptible to cheat on taxes, while more than 95% agree that it is every American’s civic duty to pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, 91% of those surveyed agreed that everyone who cheats on their taxes should be held accountable.

Think that if you look honest, you can get away with fudging your taxes? Think again.

However, actual revenues collected by the Internal Revenue Service tell a somewhat different story. The so-called “tax gap” is defined as the difference between the total income tax liability and the amount of income tax payments that are made voluntarily and on a timely basis. This tax gap totaled $450 billion in 2008 but shrank to $385 billion after late payments were posted.

Taxpayers across the country under-reported their income by an estimated $376 billion the same year, while underpayments amounted to $46 billion, and $28 billion was owed by non-filers – people who did not complete tax returns at all. All told, the compliance rate in 2008 on the estimated $2.66 trillion tax obligation was about 83 percent.

Under-reporting Income to the IRS

Most taxpayers are diligent about paying taxes on income reported on W-2 forms. After all, the IRS receives the same information, so skipping out on paying what is owed is fairly difficult. Self-employed workers who receive 1099 forms have somewhat more latitude about how much total income they report due to legitimate business-related expenses. Nonetheless, earnings listed on 1099 forms are also reported to the IRS; therefore, most self-employed workers at least acknowledge those earnings.

On the other hand, a significant amount of cash income is never reported to the IRS. If you were paid $100 to fix someone’s computer, you will probably get by with not reporting that income. However, if you collect a cool $5,000 on the side through your online storefront, you shouldn’t expect to fly under the IRS radar if you don’t acknowledge the sum on the following year’s tax return.

Questionable Tax Deductions

There is nothing wrong with claiming every penny to which you are entitled through legitimate tax credits and deductions. This is not regarded as cheating on your taxes. If you are self-employed and you have established an authentic home office, you should absolutely claim the home office deduction. If you are a wage earner whose boss expects you to call on out-of-town clients on your own dime, go ahead and claim the deduction for work-related travel. As long as you can document your claim, you won’t be accused of tax fraud – even if you are audited by the IRS.

On the other hand, taking a vacation in Hawaii and claiming a deduction because you attended a seminar during the trip likely won’t pass muster with the IRS. Likewise, the cost of your daily commute from your home to your cubicle is also unlikely to be deductible. If you have doubts about whether a deduction or credit is legitimate, it’s best to check with a tax attorney or with a certified public accountant to avoid being accused of cheating on your taxes.

Discredited Tax Protests

A persistent movement exists among a small group of individuals who claim that federal income taxes are unconstitutional because the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (which was ratified in 1913) was improperly ratified. These tax protesters insist that they are exempt from paying income taxes as a result. The IRS has repeatedly dismissed such claims, frequently charging delinquent taxpayers with filing frivolous returns.

One of the more prominent figures snagged for adhering to discredited tax protester claims is actor Wesley Snipes. Snipes was released from federal prison in 2013 after serving nearly three years for misdemeanor charges related to willfully failing to file tax returns. Snipes claimed that he was misled into believing that his actions were legal by his co-defendants, tax-protesters Eddie Kahn and Douglas Rosile. Federal prosecutors had also pursued felony charges against the three for tax fraud and conspiracy, alleging that Snipes had shipped more than $15 million overseas in an illegal bid to avoid paying taxes. Kahn and Rosile were convicted of those charges, but Snipes was acquitted.

Straight-Up Tax Scams

While the actions described above can be described as questionable claims and gray-area tax-related behavior by otherwise honest citizens, straight up tax evasion scams are also prevalent. Such tactics as strictly paying employees in cash and setting up questionable business and family trusts are among the more common tax evasion schemes attempted by both individuals and companies attempting to skirt paying income taxes.

While a case can sometimes be made for leniency concerning unwitting tax evasion, the IRS frequently takes a dim view of defendants that in its view have deliberately attempted to commit fraud. Outright scams, once uncovered by the IRS, are likely to result in criminal tax evasion charges and long prison sentences upon conviction. This contrasts with civil tax evasion, which can carry hefty fines but no jail time.

What is the Penalty for Cheating on Your Taxes?

Even if you get away with underpaying your taxes (or failing to file returns at all) for a short period, the odds are good that you will be caught eventually. The statute of limitations for federal tax audits is doubled from three to six years if you fail to report at least 25 percent of your income, or if you have income on undisclosed foreign assets that totals $5,000 or more. There is no statute of limitations on IRS audits for filing fraudulent returns or unlawfully failing to file tax returns, which means that you could be looking over your shoulder for years – or even the rest of your life.

Optima Tax Relief offers a range of tax relief services to help you prepare your taxes. Schedule a tax consultation with one of our licensed professionals today to discover how we can help you.