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What To Do If You Receive IRS Notice CP71C 

What To Do If You Receive IRS Notice CP71C 

Receiving a notice from the IRS can be unsettling, and if you’ve received IRS Notice CP71C, it’s important to understand what it means and how to respond appropriately. This notice is a reminder from the IRS regarding an outstanding tax debt and offers information about what actions you can take to address the issue. Here’s what you need to know about Notice CP71C and the steps you should take if it arrives in your mailbox. 

What is IRS Notice CP71C? 

IRS Notice CP71C is an annual statement sent to taxpayers who owe federal tax. It’s not a bill but a reminder notice, typically sent out once a year, outlining the unpaid balance, including interest and penalties accrued on the account. The notice is a way for the IRS to keep you informed about the status of your debt and to remind you of the various options available for resolving it. 

Why Did You Receive This Notice? 

You received IRS Notice CP71C because the IRS has records indicating that you have an outstanding tax debt that has not been fully resolved. The notice serves several purposes: 

  • Annual Reminder: To remind you of the existing tax debt and its current amount. 
  • Detailing Penalties and Interest: To inform you of any penalties and interest that have accumulated on the unpaid balance. 
  • Informing You of Payment Options: To make you aware of possible options for paying off the debt or setting up a payment plan. 

Understanding the Contents of the Notice 

Notice CP71C contains essential information about your tax debt. Here’s what you’ll typically find on the notice. 

  • Amount Owed: The total balance due, including the original tax owed, plus any penalties and interest. 
  • Payment Instructions: Details on how to make a payment to the IRS. 
  • Possible Consequences: Information on what may happen if the debt remains unpaid, such as additional penalties, interest, or potential collection actions like wage garnishment or levies. 
  • Contact Information: A phone number and contact details if you need to speak with an IRS representative for further clarification or assistance. 

Steps to Take If You Receive IRS Notice CP71C 

Receiving any IRS notice can be intimidating. However, it’s crucial to remember what actions need to be taken to fully understand your tax situation. 

Review the Notice Carefully 

Read through the notice thoroughly to understand the amount owed and the breakdown of any penalties and interest. Compare the information on the notice with your own tax records to ensure its accuracy. 

Verify the Debt 

Ensure that the tax debt mentioned on the notice is correct. If you believe there is an error or you have already paid the debt, you may need to gather supporting documentation and contact the IRS for clarification. 

Consider Payment Options 

The notice will outline different payment options available to you, such as paying the full amount, setting up a monthly payment plan, or exploring other options like an Offer in Compromise. Choose the option that best fits your financial situation: 

  • Full Payment: If possible, paying the full amount will stop further penalties and interest from accruing. 
  • Installment Agreement: If you cannot pay the full amount, setting up a payment plan with the IRS can allow you to pay off the debt over time. 

Contact the IRS if Necessary 

If you need to discuss your options, dispute the debt, or set up a payment plan, contact the IRS using the phone number provided on the notice. It’s essential to reach out to the IRS promptly to avoid further penalties or enforcement actions. 

Seek Professional Assistance 

If you’re uncertain about how to handle the notice or if the amount owed is substantial, consider seeking help from a tax professional. They can provide guidance tailored to your situation and help you navigate the process. 

Keep Records 

Keep a copy of the notice and any correspondence or payment confirmations related to your tax debt. Proper documentation is essential in case there are any disputes or issues in the future. 

Ignoring IRS Notice CP71C Can Lead to Serious Consequences 

Ignoring this IRS notice won’t make the debt go away. If the tax debt remains unpaid, the IRS can take more aggressive actions to collect the amount owed. These actions can include placing a lien on your property, garnishing your wages, or levying your bank account. Addressing the notice promptly can help you avoid these potential consequences.  

Tax Help for Those Who Received IRS Notice CP71C 

Receiving IRS Notice CP71C is a reminder of an existing tax debt, not an immediate threat. However, it does indicate that the IRS expects you to take action to resolve the outstanding balance. By reviewing the notice carefully, verifying the debt, exploring payment options, and possibly seeking professional help, you can take the necessary steps to address the situation and avoid further complications. If you need help understanding or addressing your IRS notice, we can help. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $3 billion in resolved tax liabilities.    

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

What You Need to Know About IRS Bank Levies 

What You Need to Know About IRS Bank Levies

When dealing with unpaid taxes, one of the most significant and immediate consequences can be an IRS bank levy. This action allows the IRS to legally seize funds directly from your bank account to satisfy outstanding tax debts. Understanding how an IRS bank levy works, how it can be avoided, and the steps to take if you’re facing one is crucial for anyone in financial trouble with the IRS. 

How Does an IRS Bank Levy Work? 

An IRS bank levy is a legal mechanism the IRS uses to collect unpaid taxes. Unlike a wage garnishment, which takes money from your paycheck over time, a bank levy can seize the full balance in your account up to the amount of tax owed. 

IRS Bank Levy Process 

  1. IRS Notice: Before placing a bank levy, the IRS must send you a series of notices. The most critical is the Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing (also known as Letter 1058 or LT11). This notice gives you 30 days to either pay your debt or arrange an alternative. 
  1. Bank Hold Period: Once the levy is issued, your bank will place a hold on the levied amount in your account for 21 days. This hold gives you time to resolve the issue before the funds are transferred to the IRS. 
  1. Seizure of Funds: If the debt isn’t settled within those 21 days, the bank will release the funds to the IRS. The levy continues until the full amount owed is collected or the levy is lifted. 

What Types of Accounts Can Be Levied? 

The IRS can levy funds from several types of financial accounts, including: 

  • Checking accounts 
  • Savings accounts 
  • Money market accounts 
  • Investment accounts (with special rules) 

However, the levy only applies to funds available at the time the bank processes the levy. Future deposits are not immediately subject to the same levy unless the IRS issues a new one. 

Steps to Take If You’re Facing a Bank Levy 

If you’ve received a Final Notice of Intent to Levy, don’t ignore it. Acting quickly can help prevent the levy or minimize its effects. Remember, you have the right to request a Collection Due Process hearing within 30 days of receiving the final notice. This can temporarily stop the levy while the IRS reviews your case. Apart from this, the most straightforward way to avoid a levy is to pay the amount owed in full. If you can’t pay the entire debt, consider other options like an Installment Agreement or Offer in Compromise. If a levy would cause you significant financial hardship, you can request that the IRS release the levy. You’ll need to show that the levy prevents you from meeting basic living expenses. Navigating an IRS bank levy can be complex. A tax professional can help you negotiate with the IRS, request a hearing, or explore settlement options. 

How to Avoid a Bank Levy in the Future 

To avoid facing an IRS bank levy, it’s important to stay on top of your tax obligations and address issues promptly. Here are some tips: 

  1. File on Time: Even if you can’t pay your taxes, file your return on time. The IRS is more likely to work with you if you file, even if you owe. 
  1. Communicate with the IRS: If you receive notices about unpaid taxes, respond promptly. You may be able to set up a payment plan or find other solutions before enforcement actions like a bank levy are taken. 
  1. Stay Current: If you’re already on an installment plan or settlement agreement, make sure you stay current with your payments. Falling behind on these arrangements can trigger a levy. 

Tax Help for Those Being Levied by the IRS 

An IRS bank levy can be a serious financial disruption, but it’s not inevitable if you act early. Understanding the process and knowing your options can help you prevent or address a levy before it causes long-term damage. If you’re facing a levy, consider seeking professional assistance to navigate the process and explore potential relief options. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

Can the IRS Seize Your State Tax Refund? 

Can the IRS Seize Your State Tax Refund? 

The IRS, as the federal tax collection agency, has broad powers to collect unpaid taxes. While it can garnish wages, seize assets, and levy bank accounts to satisfy federal tax debts, the question arises: Can the IRS seize your state tax refund to pay off federal tax liabilities? The answer is yes — under the State Income Tax Levy Program (SITLP), the IRS can seize state tax refunds to satisfy federal tax debts. 

What Is the State Income Tax Levy Program (SITLP)? 

The State Income Tax Levy Program allows the IRS to collect unpaid federal tax debts by intercepting state tax refunds. Through agreements with state tax agencies, the IRS can issue a levy on your state tax refund to cover outstanding federal tax liabilities. This program is a collaborative effort between the IRS and participating state tax agencies. Currently, there are 42 states that participate in the SITLP: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.  

The states that do not participate are the ones that do not tax state income: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Once you have an unpaid federal tax debt, the IRS may notify the state, and your state tax refund could be redirected to satisfy part or all of your federal tax obligation. 

How Does the Process Work? 

If the IRS intends to seize your state tax refund through the SITLP, it must follow a specific process. 

IRS Sends Notices 

Before seizing any funds, the IRS will send you multiple notices regarding your unpaid tax debt. These notices typically escalate from reminder notices to final demands for payment. You should receive a Notice of Intent to Levy and a Notice of Your Right to a Hearing before any levy action takes place. 

State Cooperation 

If you still do not pay your federal tax debt after receiving notices, the IRS will notify the state where you filed a tax return and are expecting a refund. The state, under the SITLP, will then intercept your state tax refund and send it to the IRS. 

Refund Seizure 

Once the state agency processes your refund, the IRS collects the funds to offset your tax debt. If the state tax refund does not cover the entire amount owed, the IRS can continue to pursue other collection methods for the remaining balance. 


After your state refund is seized, the IRS will send you IRS Notice CP92 informing you of the levy action, detailing how much of your refund was applied to your tax debt. 

How Can You Avoid a State Tax Refund Seizure? 

There are several steps you can take to avoid having your state tax refund seized by the IRS: 

Pay the Debt in Full 

The simplest way to prevent a levy is to pay your federal tax debt in full before the IRS takes action. If you can’t pay the entire amount, look into other payment options. 

Set Up a Payment Plan 

You may be able to avoid a levy by setting up a payment plan or Installment Agreement with the IRS. This allows you to pay off your tax debt in smaller, more manageable payments over time. Once an agreement is in place, the IRS typically halts any levy actions. 

Request an Offer in Compromise 

If you are experiencing financial hardship and cannot pay the full amount owed, you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise, which allows you to settle your tax debt for less than what you owe. While this process can be lengthy and difficult, it may provide relief and prevent future levy actions. 

File for a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing 

If you receive a Notice of Intent to Levy, you have the right to request a Collection Due Process hearing. During this hearing, you can negotiate with the IRS or dispute the levy. Filing for a CDP hearing may temporarily stop the levy process while your case is under review. 

Address Delinquent Tax Returns 

If you have unfiled tax returns, the IRS may escalate collection efforts. Filing all overdue returns and paying any amounts owed may help prevent state refund seizures. 

Tax Help for Those Who Owe 

The IRS can seize your state tax refund through the State Income Tax Levy Program if you owe unpaid federal taxes. The process involves notifying you of your tax debt, coordinating with your state tax agency, and levying your state tax refund to satisfy your federal liabilities. To avoid this, it’s essential to stay on top of your tax obligations. Be sure to seek payment arrangements, and respond to IRS notices promptly. Whether through payment arrangements, appealing the levy, or seeking professional assistance, there are ways to resolve your tax debt and minimize the impact on your income. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $3 billion in resolved tax liabilities.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is the FDCPA?

collection practices act

Being in debt is a stressful circumstance that collectors can often intensify with unfair practices. Therefore, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits companies from using such practices to collect debts from you. Here’s an overview of the FDCPA, including what it is, who it applies to, and its key provisions.  

What is the FDCPA? 

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law enacted in 1977 to protect consumers from abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices. It establishes guidelines for debt collectors, ensuring that they operate within legal boundaries while attempting to recover debts. The FDCPA is a key component of consumer protection law in the United States. It’s enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 

Who Does the FDCPA Apply To? 

The FDCPA applies to third-party debt collectors, which are entities or individuals who collect debts on behalf of others. This includes collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts as part of their practice, and companies that buy delinquent debts and then attempt to collect them. However, the FDCPA does not apply to creditors who are collecting their own debts. 

What Does the FDCPA Cover?

The FDCPA covers a broad range of activities related to the collection of consumer debts. Some of these include debts for personal, family, or household purposes. This includes credit card debts, medical bills, mortgages, auto loans, and other types of personal debts. However, the FDCPA does not cover business debts or debts incurred for commercial purposes.  

Key Provisions of the FDCPA 

The FDCPA sets forth several rules and restrictions aimed at protecting consumers. Some of the most important provisions include the following items. 

Communication Restrictions 

Debt collectors are prohibited from contacting consumers at inconvenient times. This is typically before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless the consumer agrees to it. Additionally, they cannot contact consumers at their place of employment if they are aware that the employer prohibits such communication. Debt collectors are also generally not allowed to discuss a consumer’s debt with third parties, except to obtain contact information. They cannot disclose that the consumer owes a debt. 

Prohibition of Harassment 

Debt collectors are forbidden from engaging in any form of harassment or abuse. This includes making repeated phone calls with the intent to annoy, abuse, or harass, using obscene or profane language, and making threats of violence or harm. 

False or Misleading Representations 

The FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from using false, deceptive, or misleading representations. This includes lying about the amount owed, falsely claiming to be a lawyer, or threatening legal action that is not intended. 

Validation of Debt 

Upon the consumer’s request, debt collectors must provide a written validation notice that includes the debt amount, the name of the creditor, and the consumer’s right to dispute it. If the consumer disputes the debt in writing within 30 days, the debt collector must provide verification of the debt before continuing collection efforts. 

Ceasing Communication 

If a consumer sends a written request for a debt collector to stop contacting them, the collector must cease communication, except to confirm that there will be no further contact or to notify the consumer of specific legal actions being taken. 

Enforcement and Penalties 

Consumers who believe their rights under the FDCPA have been violated can file a complaint with the FTC or CFPB. Additionally, they can sue the debt collector in state or federal court within one year of the violation. If successful, the consumer may recover damages, attorney’s fees, and, in some cases, statutory damages of up to $1,000. Debt collectors found to have violated the FDCPA may face fines and other penalties imposed by the FTC or CFPB. These agencies can also take legal action against debt collectors. This can result in further penalties or orders to cease certain practices. 

The Importance of the FDCPA 

The FDCPA plays a critical role in balancing consumer rights and debt collectors’ needs. While it recognizes the legitimacy of debt collection, it ensures that the process is conducted fairly and respectfully. By providing clear guidelines and legal recourse, the FDCPA helps protect consumers from abusive practices that can cause emotional distress, financial harm, and damage to their reputation. 

FDCPA and Tax Debt

The IRS must also abide by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. You have rights as a taxpayer that restricts their communication and enforcement practices. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $1 billion in resolved tax liabilities.  

Tax Help for Those Who Owe 

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act remains a cornerstone of consumer protection law. It safeguards individuals from unfair and abusive debt collection practices. As the debt collection industry evolves, the FDCPA continues to be a vital tool in ensuring that consumers are treated with dignity and respect. Understanding your rights under this law is essential for protecting yourself from potential abuse. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $3 billion in resolved tax liabilities.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

How to Deal with an IRS Revenue Officer 

How to Deal with an IRS Revenue Officer 

Encountering an IRS revenue officer can be a stressful experience, especially if you’re unfamiliar with their role and the potential implications of their visit. Understanding how to deal with a revenue officer effectively can make a significant difference in the outcome of your situation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this challenging scenario. 

What is an IRS Revenue Officer? 

An IRS revenue officer, or RO, is a field agent tasked with collecting unpaid taxes from individuals, businesses, and self-employed professionals. Unlike revenue agents, who conduct audits, revenue officers are primarily focused on securing payment for tax debts, often dealing with more severe cases where substantial amounts are owed or where there has been a history of non-compliance. 

Revenue officers have the authority to take serious collection actions, including levying bank accounts, garnishing wages, and placing liens on property. Because of this, knowing how to interact with them is crucial. 

Steps to Take When a Revenue Officer Contacts You 

When dealing with an RO, it’s important to remember some key details. Here are some steps to take when a revenue officer contacts you. 

Stay Calm and Professional 

The first and most important step is to remain calm. Revenue officers are doing their job, and while their presence can be intimidating, maintaining a professional demeanor can prevent escalation and help you manage the situation more effectively. 

Verify Their Identity 

Always verify the identity of the revenue officer. They should provide you with an ID badge that includes their name, photo, and IRS identification number. You can also call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to confirm their legitimacy. 

Understand the Scope of the Visit 

Revenue officers may visit you at home or at your place of business. However, note that ROs are no longer allowed to conduct surprise visits. This decision came in 2023 to help taxpayers avoid scammers posing as the IRS to collect money. Remember, an RO’s goal is to collect unpaid taxes or ensure compliance with tax laws. During the initial visit, they will likely ask questions about your financial situation and may request documentation. Be clear about the purpose of their visit and ask for a detailed explanation if needed. 

Do Not Provide Information Immediately 

While you should cooperate with the revenue officer, it’s wise not to provide too much information during the initial meeting. Politely inform them that you need time to review their requests and consult with a tax professional. This can help prevent you from inadvertently sharing information that could complicate your case. 

Consult a Tax Professional 

One of the best steps you can take is to consult with a tax professional, such as an enrolled agent, tax attorney, or CPA, before providing detailed information to the revenue officer. A professional can help you understand your rights and obligations and assist in developing a strategy to resolve your tax issues. 

Review Your Financial Situation 

Before meeting with the revenue officer again, take the time to thoroughly review your financial situation. Gather all relevant documents, including tax returns, bank statements, and records of income and expenses. Understanding your financial position will help you negotiate effectively. 

Negotiate Payment Arrangements 

If you owe taxes, you may be able to negotiate a payment arrangement with the revenue officer. Options include installment agreements, offers in compromise, or temporarily delaying collection with CNC status if you’re facing financial hardship. Your tax professional can assist in these negotiations to ensure you get the best possible terms. 

Keep Records of All Communications 

Document all interactions with the revenue officer, including phone calls, meetings, and any correspondence. This record-keeping is crucial in case disputes arise or if you need to reference past agreements. 

Understand Your Rights 

You have rights when dealing with an IRS revenue officer. For example, you have the right to be treated fairly, to privacy, and to representation. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights outlines these protections, and being aware of them can empower you during the process. 

Respond Promptly 

Ignoring a revenue officer or failing to respond to their requests can lead to more severe collection actions. Even if you’re unable to pay the full amount owed, communicate with the officer and work towards a resolution. 

Tax Help for Those Dealing with an RO 

Dealing with an IRS revenue officer can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can navigate the process effectively. By staying calm, verifying their identity, consulting with a tax professional, and understanding your rights, you can work towards resolving your tax issues while minimizing stress and potential financial repercussions. Remember, proactive and informed actions are key to successfully managing your interactions with a revenue officer. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What You Need to Know About IRS Wage Levies 

What You Need to Know About IRS Wage Levies 

One of the most severe actions the IRS can take against you is issuing a wage levy. A wage levy allows the IRS to seize a portion of your paycheck directly from your employer, leaving you with a reduced income until your debt is paid off. Understanding how wage levies work, the process involved, and your rights can help you navigate this difficult situation more effectively. 

What Is an IRS Wage Levy? 

An IRS wage levy, also known as a wage garnishment, is a legal action that allows the IRS to collect unpaid taxes directly from your wages. Unlike a wage garnishment initiated by a creditor, an IRS wage levy does not require a court order. Once the IRS issues the levy, your employer is required by law to withhold a significant portion of your paycheck and send it directly to the IRS. 

How Does the Wage Levy Process Work? 

The IRS doesn’t issue a wage levy without warning. The process typically follows these steps: 

  1. Notice and Demand for Payment. The IRS will first send you a notice, known as a “Notice and Demand for Payment.”. This tells you how much you owe and is your opportunity to resolve the debt voluntarily. 
  1. Final Notice of Intent to Levy. If you fail to respond to the initial notice, the IRS will send Notice CP90, which is a “Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing” at least 30 days before the levy is issued. This notice gives you a final opportunity to resolve the debt or request a hearing. 
  1. Issuance of Levy. If you do not act within the 30-day period, the IRS will issue the wage levy to your employer. Your employer must then begin withholding a portion of your wages. 

How Much Can the IRS Take from Your Paycheck? 

The amount the IRS can take from your paycheck is based on the standard deduction and the number of dependents you claim. The IRS sends Publication 1494 along with the levy to your employer. This instructs your employer on how to calculate the amount exempt from the levy. Your employer will give you a Statement of Dependents and Filing Status that you must complete and return within three days. If you don’t return the statement within this period, your exempt amount will be calculated as if you’re married filing separately with no dependents (zero). If you have multiple income sources, the IRS may assign the exemptions to those other sources and levy 100% of the income from a specific employer. 

Any amount above the exempted portion can be levied. For many, this can result in a substantial reduction in take-home pay. Let’s look at some examples. Let’s say you are a single filer with no dependents with weekly gross pay of $1,000. Your weekly exempt amount is around $281. This means the IRS can levy $719 from each paycheck. Now, let’s say you are a single parent of one child who files as Head of Household and has weekly gross pay of $2,000. Your weekly exempt amount is around $517. This means the IRS can levy $1,483 from each paycheck. For someone married filing jointly with two dependents and gross weekly pay of $1,500, the weekly exempt amount might be around $754. The IRS can levy $746from each paycheck. 

Will the IRS Levy My Bonuses? 

When a wage levy is in place, it generally applies to any regular wages, salary, and other forms of compensation, including bonuses. This means that if you receive a bonus while under an IRS wage levy, the IRS will take the entire bonus. 

What If I Pay Child Support? 

If you pay child support directly, rather than through wage withholding by an employer, it’s crucial to take extra steps to protect your obligations if you’re subject to an IRS wage levy. Unlike wage withholding for child support, which is typically prioritized over IRS levies, direct payments may not automatically receive the same protection. In this situation, you should immediately notify the IRS of your child support obligations and provide documentation, such as court orders, to demonstrate your required payments. You may be able to negotiate with the IRS to adjust the levy amount or even secure a release from the levy to ensure that your child support payments continue uninterrupted. Consulting with a tax professional can also help you navigate this process and safeguard your responsibilities. 

What Are Your Rights? 

Even though an IRS wage levy is a serious matter, you still have rights. First and foremost, you have the right to notice. The IRS must notify you in advance of its intent to levy your wages, giving you a chance to resolve the debt or appeal the decision. Next, you have the right to appeal through a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing within 30 days of receiving the final notice. This hearing allows you to dispute the levy or negotiate alternative payment arrangements.

You also have the right to payment arrangements. Even after a levy is issued, you may be able to negotiate an installment agreement or an offer in compromise, which could result in the levy being released. Finally, you have the right to hardship consideration. If the wage levy causes significant financial hardship, you can request that the levy be released. The IRS may consider your financial situation and decide to release the levy, although you will still owe the tax debt. 

How to Avoid a Wage Levy 

The best way to avoid a wage levy is to address your tax debt early. If you receive a notice from the IRS, don’t ignore it. Pay the full amount you owe to avoid further action if possible. If you can’t pay the full amount, consider setting up a payment plan with the IRS. In some cases, the IRS may accept a lower amount than what you owe if you can demonstrate that paying the full amount would create financial hardship. Tax professionals can help you negotiate with the IRS and explore options that you may not be aware of. 

Tax Help for Those Being Levied by the IRS 

An IRS wage levy can have a significant impact on your finances, but understanding the process and your rights can help you manage the situation. If you receive a notice of a potential levy, take action immediately to explore your options and avoid further financial strain. Whether through payment arrangements, appealing the levy, or seeking professional assistance, there are ways to resolve your tax debt and minimize the impact on your income. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $3 billion in resolved tax liabilities.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation